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"The Sevenfold Peace" - From The Essene Book Of Jesus
And seeing the multitudes, Jesus went up into a mountain and his disciples came unto him and all those who hungered for his words. And seeing them gathered, he opened his mouth and taught them, saying:
"Peace I bring to thee, my children -
The Sevenfold Peace
Of the Earthly Mother
And the Heavenly Father.
Peace I bring to thy body,
Guided by the Angel of Power.
Peace I bring to thy Heart,
Guided by the Angel of Wisdom.
Through the Angels of
Power, Love and Wisdom,
Thou shalt travel the seven paths
Of the infinite garden.
And thy body, heart and mind
Shall join in oneness
In the sacred flight
To the heavenly sea of peace.
Yea I tell thee truly,
The paths are seven
Through the infinite garden
And each must be traversed
By the body, the heart
And the mind as one,
Lest thou stumble and fall
Into the abyss of emptiness.
For as a bird cannot fly with one wing,
So doth thy Bird of Wisdom
Need two wings of power and love
To soar above the abyss,
To the Holy Tree of Life."
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